Monday, August 17, 2009

New on Postling: Update your Facebook Pages!

One of the most-requested enhancements our users have been asking for is support for Facebook Pages.

We're happy to announce that this ability is *now* a part of Postling!

Just go to the Manage Services page and click "Facebook" to link up all of the Facebook Pages your account has access to. Let us know how you like it!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Pardon me, but would you mind testing a post?

Ignore the man at the beach behind the sand curtain!

This might even let me edit things FROM THE PAST!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

New on Postling: Read your comments, everywhere!

We've just released an exciting addition to Postling: Now you can read all of the comments made on your posts, regardless of where they've been posted!

You'll be able to see the most recent comments made on your posts at the top of your logged-in home page.

Take it for a spin! We hope this makes it *much* easier to read and respond to what folks are saying about your content.

New on Postling: Read your comments, everywhere!

We've just released an exciting addition to Postling: Now you can read all of the comments made on your posts, regardless of where they've been posted!

You'll be able to see the most recent comments made on your posts at the top of your logged-in home page.

Take it for a spin! We hope this makes it *much* easier to read and respond to what folks are saying about your content.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Big fat final test. OF DOOM!

Let's throw everything we've got at it!

I guess I'll add some more to this post.


Friday, July 31, 2009

My cinnamon bun experiment

We tried making cinnamon buns from scratch last night using the recipe I found in that old desk. I think the results speak for themselves:

Thursday, July 30, 2009



Why not working?



I made a post!!!


The real Chris Maguire

This is the genuine article, sirs.

Hey baby

Old old comic.

Please don't judge me.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

A great link!

This is a link-type post. Let's format it properly!

I think it does work :D

Happy times for all!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

More things to test!

Let's see how this works...

Here we've got MULTIPLE inbound images

A photo of my vacation to the dark world:

It was fun, but I caught a fright of a cold.

Chris Maguire of etsy

it's fun, right?

This is my new favorite webcomic

It's hard to get better than this!



hey blogger

why you so dumb?

Hey blogger

why you no work?

Monday, July 20, 2009

This one DOES have images!

More images!

can we handle THREE???

Time for a multi-image extravaganza

Here's an image:

And here's another one: